Friday, October 31, 2014

Highlight: “Lord, Is It I?”

 “Lord, Is It I?” By President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

   "We must put aside our pride, see beyond our vanity, and in humility ask, “Lord, is it I?”

3 Wall Hangings we used

Fun stuff for the kids

Friday, October 10, 2014

3 quotes from Light

Sharing Your Light By Neill F. Marriott

    "We must stand firm in our faith and lift our voices to proclaim true doctrine."

Here are the quotes we hung up in our house from this talk

Here is the highlight video we watched to introduce the talk


Sunday, October 5, 2014

My testimony of the Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon is my rock and power. I find so much comfort and peace from reading it. My testimony of the Savior grows each time I read it and feel so much closer to Him. I love the stories and learn so much that I can liken to my own life and find answers to my own problems.

In high school a story from the Book of Mormon blessed a friend and I. He had a bully that had challenged him to a fight after school. He didn't want to fight but felt like he needed to go back and find this young man. I was reminded of how the Nephites were protected by the Lord when they were defending themselves and we, as 17 year old kids with small testimony's, decided that like the Nephites the Lord would protect us if he didn't go looking for a fight but if one found him then he could defend himself. This was a powerful day that I knew Heavenly Father loved me personally and would answer my small problems. Nothing ever came of this "fight" it was just forgotten. But Father protected us that day through the Book of Mormon

Another time the Book of Mormon has blessed me was when I was on my mission. Miraculously we found a cute mom with 2 small children. I felt inspired to go to a park and she was there. I felt like she was glowing and knew she was the one I was supposed to approach and share the gospel with. Her sister was a member and she was very receptive. One day as we had challenged her to read the Book of Mormon she was sharing what she had learned and what had touched her in her reading. She shared 2 Nephi 2: 25 and said " I never knew our purpose was to have joy." This was a very spiritual experience to me because I felt like the Lord was telling me this is what I am trying to share the JOY of the gospel and she had heard that message in the Book of Mormon.

I love the Book of Mormon and always feel a strength and joy that comes from the book. Like Joseph Smith I testify that it is the most correct book I have ever read and that it brings me nearer to God than any other book. Although I have read it many times I never open it without finding personal revelation for me and my needs. 

Wendy Roberts

The video “New Day for the Book of Mormon” is a new video from BYUtv with interviews with scholars and historians. This documentary tells the story of the coming forth of this unusual book of scripture and how it is affecting people today—even some people you might not expect.

More ideas for prepare

1. Three ways to prepare your children for the Temple

“We know that helping children to love and enter the temple is worth every effort and sacrifice. It holds the key to one of our greatest hopes and joys—a family that is forever.” —Primary general presidency

2. Preparing our families for the Temple

"Our greatest challenge is to prepare our families for the temple. Parents have the primary responsibility, but grandparents, aunts and uncles, even brothers and sisters all may teach the family."

3. Preparing children to make and keep covenants

"What is the covenant path?:  Bishop Gary E. Stevenson has said, "In our lives...certain things are absolutely essential...These spiritual markers are the essential God-given...ordinances of the gospel," which include: baptism and confirmation, priesthood ordination, and temple ordinances."

4.Temple family home evening lesson

Using a Ziploc bag, fill it with little people toys or things to represent the family.  Don’t zip it up.  Turn it upside down and show what happens to our family when we are not sealed.  Then show how we stay together when the bag is sealed.
Use strips of paper and write the names of each family member on a strip.  Staple or tape each strip into a ring and hook them together to make a chain showing that we are all linked or sealed together.

My kids are going to LOVE this!!

Highlight: Prepared in a Manner That Never Had Been Known

 Prepared in a Manner That Never Had Been Known  By Linda K. Burton Relief Society General President

    "May we prepare to worthily receive saving ordinances drop by drop and keep the associated covenants wholeheartedly."

Highlight: Sharing Your Light
Whole talk

Coloring Pages for the kids

Lesson ideas Prepared in a Manner That Never Had Been Known

Prepared in a manner that never had been known

This week as a family we will be studying this talk and I have prepared some things to help our family learn about the messages in this talk for us.
First my 6 year old asked for some "people he could cut out" so I found some Captain Moroni and Stripling warrior Paper dolls. Fun!!

Here are some of my notes when I heard this talk "How am I preparing me and my family for the blessings of the temple? How am I like Moroni "preparing in a manner that never had been known"? Like Moroni am I building up a protecting wall and mounds of dirt and towers to watch? Am I diligently working to protect my family and help them prepare to receive the blessings of the temple in their lives and continue to attend the temple often?  This preparation needs to be steady, constant, and dependable. We need to be more diligent in our preparation to add drops to our lamp to prepare ourselves and others to enter the temple.

 This story always reminds me of helms deep in the Lord of the Rings 

In the story of the 5 wise and 5 foolish virgins when the foolish come from the market trying to buy more oil for their lamps the bridegroom says "Ye knew me not."  Not that he didn't know them but that by their lack of preparation they didn't know him. 

One of my goals from this talk was to attend the temple every week. Taking family names as often as I could and taking family members with me.