Saturday, January 4, 2014



One who saves. Jesus Christ, through his atonement, offered redemption and salvation to all mankind. “Savior” is a name and title of Jesus Christ.

 Isaiah 43:11


"Why was the Savior willing to keep His covenant with the Father and fulfill His divine mission to atone for the sins of the world? It was His love for His Father and His love for us. Why was the Father willing to allow His Only Begotten and perfect Son to suffer pain beyond description to bear the sins, heartaches, sicknesses, and infirmities of the world and all that is unfair in this life? We find the answer in these words: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son.”

I invite each of us to evaluate how much we love the Savior, using as a measure how joyfully we keep our covenants." The Power, Joy, and Love of Covenant Keeping BY LINDA K. BURTON

Coloring Page

"Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus." -Neal A. Maxwell

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