A woman of faith is fearless. She fears no evil, for God is with her. 5
There is no ambiguity, no uncertain trump in her life. She can live a
principled life because she studies the doctrine and teachings of a perfect
teacher, the Master. She is a noble example to all who know her. She is less
than perfect, of course, not because she doesn’t have perfect principles or the
perfect example in Christ, but because she is human. She stays away from the
evil influence and the unclean thing, and if it encroaches on her territory,
she is as a lioness protecting her cubs. A fearless woman of faith has the
courage to talk with her children about practices which would destroy them.
They not only hear her discuss her commitment, but they see her commitment in
her daily living—in the way she dresses, what she reads and watches, how she
spends her leisure time, what she loves and laughs at, whom she attracts, and
how she acts at all times, in all things, and in all places. She has a certain
style of her own that is attractive and joyful and bright and good. Our little
girls and our young women can safely trust in her example. We pray that they
too will be fearless as they seek out and promote that which is uplifting and
happy and decent, for they are our future.
A Woman of Faith
Margaret D. Nadauld
What is thy mother? A a lioness: Ezekial 19:2
Episode 29 - The Lion and the Lioness
He was born in 1801, she in 1804. He was a man known for his
humor and gruffness, she a woman known for her sobriety and refinement. He
preached unforgettable sermons, though he never learned to spell. She
wrote reams of poetry and songs. This is how Legacy guest Jill Mulvay-Derr discribes
Brigham Young and Eliza R. Snow.
What am I supposed to do?
‘Through the thick and the thin of this, and through the occasional
tears of it all, I know deep down inside I am doing God’s work. I know that in
my motherhood I am in an eternal partnership with Him. I am deeply moved that
God finds His ultimate purpose and meaning in being a parent, even if some of
His children make Him weep.
“‘It is this realization,’ she says, ‘that I try to recall on those
inevitably difficult days when all of this can be a bit overwhelming. Maybe it
is precisely our inability and anxiousness that urge us to reach out to Him and
enhance His ability to reach back to us. Maybe He secretly hopes we will be
anxious,’ she said, ‘and will plead for His help. Then, I believe, He can teach
these children directly, through us, but with no resistance offered. I like
that idea,’ she concludes. ‘It gives me hope. If I can be right before my
Father in Heaven, perhaps His guidance to our children can be unimpeded. Maybe
then it can be His work and His glory in a very literal sense’”
Conference Report, Apr. 1997, 47; or Ensign, May 1997, 36
“Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children.”
“As a mother guided by the Lord, you weave a fabric of character in
your children from threads of truth through careful instruction and worthy
example. You imbue the traits of honesty, faith in God, duty, respect for
others, kindness, self-confidence, and the desire to contribute, to learn, and
to give in your trusting children’s minds and hearts. No day-care center can do
that. It is your sacred right and privilege” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1996,
102; or Ensign, Nov. 1996, 74).
President Boyd K. Packer, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles, observed, “No teaching is equal, more spiritually rewarding, or more
exalting than that of a mother teaching her children” (“Teach the Children,”Ensign,
Feb. 2000, 16).
of us is a daughter of heavenly parents, and as part of the house of Israel, we
come from royal blood. When we choose our mission, we have power
and influence in that royal house and in the Lord’s work. He
is depending on us.”
What is happening? Chaos made into Salvation—Plan of God for every
contingency. “If they yield to temptation we will provide a Savior for them as
we counseled in the beginning.”
How do things happen? Methodically and with great wisdom and order.
Nothing allowed to ruin the plan– but agency respected and accommodated for in
the blessing of the Savior.
What Blessings are given? Cast Satan out, Light and knowledge,
Messengers from my father to teach me, knowledge of good and evil, space to
learn and change/repent, progress, grow from grace to grace, and rules to live
in Heavenly Fathers kingdom
Who gives the blessings? Messengers from my father, Priesthood holders,
Heavenly Father and Jesus give me all that they have as I live by the plan that
they have laid out
What powers come to you? Become a queen and priestess unto my husband
Be thou humble and the Lord thy god shall lead thee by the hand and
give thee answers to thy prayers.
3 Nephi 18:11 And this shall ye always do to those who repent and are
baptized in my name; and ye shall do it in remembrance of my blood, which I
have shed for you, that ye may witness unto the Father that ye do always
remember me. And if ye do always remember me ye shall have my Spirit to be with
12 And I give unto you a commandment that ye shall do these things. And
if ye shall always do these things blessed are ye, for ye are built upon my
13 But whoso among you shall do more or less than these are not built
upon my rock, but are built upon a sandy foundation; and when the rain
descends, and the floods come, and the winds blow, and beat upon them, they
shall fall, and the gates of hell are ready open to receive them.
The Wise Man and the Foolish Man
Children’s Songbook, The Wise Man and the
Foolish Man, 281
1. The wise man built his house upon the rock,
The wise man built his house upon the rock,
The wise man built his house upon the rock,
And the rains came tumbling down.
The wise man built his house upon the rock,
The wise man built his house upon the rock,
And the rains came tumbling down.
2. The rains came down, and the floods came up,
The rains came down, and the floods came up,
The rains came down, and the floods came up,
And the house on the rock stood still.
The rains came down, and the floods came up,
The rains came down, and the floods came up,
And the house on the rock stood still.
3. The foolish man built his house upon the sand,
The foolish man built his house upon the sand,
The foolish man built his house upon the sand,
And the rains came tumbling down.
The foolish man built his house upon the sand,
The foolish man built his house upon the sand,
And the rains came tumbling down.
4. The rains came down, and the floods came up,
The rains came down, and the floods came up,
The rains came down, and the floods came up,
And the house on the sand washed away.
The rains came down, and the floods came up,
The rains came down, and the floods came up,
And the house on the sand washed away.
Matthew 7:24–27
Helaman 5:12
When asked
how she did FHE and Family Scripture study with her inactive husband and
teenagers Sis. Smart my Relief Society president in Maryland said “I saw all the
blessings our family was promised for having FHE and family scripture study and
I knew I wanted those blessings at all costs. I didn’t let any thing get in the
way of me insuring our family was getting those promised blessings.”
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