“I invite you to participate in a 10-day fast from social media and from any other media that bring negative and impure thoughts to your mind. Pray to know which influences to remove during your fast”
The first thing I learned was from my phone screen time record
Prior to the fast I was spending 3 and a half hours on my phone— WHAT??
That was uncomfortable and I could think of hundreds of things “I don’t have time to do” that could be done in that 3 and a half hours. It gave me a desire to be much more intentional and limited in my mindless time on my phone
I also learned on the app that you can set downtime to shut off your phone when you should be sleeping 💤 That has been a great reminder for me at night. I can override it for 15 minutes at a time if I really want to but it makes me far more conscious of my usage after hours and gets me to bed on time more often
Second I didn't know my phone had a filter?? Under settings, screen time, content and privacy, and then content restrictions
I have since gone through and done these filters on the phones of some of my children as well. Hoping to protect us from the influences of Satan we inadvertently might run into. I challenge you to do this
The other thing I learned was that I could limit my time on Facebook using the App limits feature
I am now thinking about other areas we need to filter and be more intentional about time
There are so many things I want to accomplish and using my time more purposefully will help me accomplish the best things
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