Monday, January 25, 2016

Partaking of the fruit and Joy

"We must find quiet moments to seek greater light and truth. And when we receive it…live it, share it…defend it."—Cheryl A. Esplin, "Filling our Homes with Light and Truth"

My youngest is listening to The Book of Mormon with a goal to finish by his 8th birthday in August. He was sharing some of what he learned yesterday. 

This was his take "The dad was afraid for Lamen and Lemuel" 
Me "Why was he afraid for them?" 
A: "Because they didn't eat the fruit of the tree."

I have been thinking a lot about this answer. How often don't we eat of the fruit of the tree? What can I do to eat of the fruit of the tree more often? How can I feel the love of God for me in my life more often and consistently? It goes with a scripture I found at the temple last week D&C 88:32-33

This part really stood out to me. "to enjoy that which they are willing to receive, because they were not willing to enjoy that which they might have received."

I have been thinking about this part a lot. How much am I denied in joy because I am not willing to receive it? How much more would the Lord give me if I was open and grateful to receiving? 

I have also been wondering if getting to the tree is really a daily journey? I have felt the Love of God for me. I feel like I have partaken of the fruit in the past and have felt the Love of God for me. But like Alma says in Alma 5 “Can I feel so now?” Like right Now?  Right now I feel tired and overwhelmed?  Right now I feel grumpy and like my burdens are too great for me.

Wondering a lot about this word feeling. Have learned from many sources that Love is a verb and an action we take to show love. It is not really this magic feeling all the time. Actually not most of the time, most of the time Love is work and doing things for others without thought for ourselves and not really about feelings. Sometimes you don’t really want to do love at all but that is when you show forth the most love by doing it anyway.

Can I feel so now? Meaning can I do the things that help me feel the Love of God for me? Can I cling to the rod of iron long enough to get to the tree? Can I resist the mocking of the world and ignore the distractions to enjoy the fruit of the tree? Can I show my love for my Father by obedience and diligence.

How are you doing feeling the Love of God for you? 

Elder M. Russell Ballard said, “One of the sweetest messages the Spirit will relay is how the Lord feels about you.”6

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